Bourses | Assurance | Maison - Auto - Vie - Entreprise | Scholarship Scholarship

Lead Your Own Future

GTI Broker Group’s Scholarship program recognizes the contribution of our community builders of tomorrow. The growth of in the Atlantic Region exemplifies the achievements of people working together in their own communities. We hope to encourage those qualities of good citizenship and co-operation through this scholarship program.

Awarded annually, there will be two scholarships valued at $1,000 each. The deadline to apply is May 31, 2024.

Please find attached our scholarship information and application. 

Application Form

Completed applications and documents should be sent to Brittaney Roy, HR Coordinator, via email


  • Current resident of NB, NS or NFLD.
  • Current Secondary Student (or has graduated within the past 12 months).
  • Accepted and entering a Canadian College or University in the 2023/2024 academic year.
  • Proof of acceptance to at least one Canadian College or University. This does not have to be
  • from the College/University you plan to attend. If you are selected as the scholarship recipient, we will confirm where you will be attending at that time.


  •  Demonstrated leadership and a strong commitment to his/her community through initiating innovative community projects and/or volunteerism.
  • Letter of recommendation from your current school, written and signed by principal, teacher or guidance counsellor (no electronic signatures).
  • Letter of recommendation from community group or individual(s) that you supported (no electronic signatures). If your community project was affiliated with your school, it is acceptable to have two letters of recommendation from your school.
  • Official Transcripts (most recent).


Trouvez l'emplacement le plus proche



Obtenir une soumission


Installation et entretien d’un appareil de chauffage à granules

Qu’aimeriez-vous avoir comme appareil de chauffage à granules; un beau poêle dans le salon du sous-sol qui rend le sous-sol plus tempéré ou un appareil de chauffage central? Faites installer votre appareil de chauffage par un technicien certifié, le technicien va vous fournir un certificat d’installation de conformité d’installation.

Transmettez ce certificat de conformité à votre courtier d’assurance.

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Un petit commerce à la maison comme passe-temps?

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